European Global Navigation Satellite System: Applications

Through the last few decades, the GPS (Global Positioning System) has remained the most important positioning tool throughout various applications involving Geodesy as well as Geophysics. The upcoming satellite systems, however, are also able to improve such applications, such as Regional Navigation Satellite Systems and Global Navigation Satellite Systems. GNSS like the European Global Navigation Satellite System (Galileo), GLObal Naya NAvigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema (GLONASS, Russia), Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS, Japan), and RNSS like the Indian Navigation with Indian Constellation (NavIC) have augmented modernization from dual to triple frequency signals off-recently. Major Applications of European Global Navigation Satellite System & Other GNSS Experts estimate that the world will gain access to over a hundred satellites as part of a multi-GNSS model involving different types of global navigation satellite system . These will communicate their sig...